Olian - Bootstrap Minimal & Clean Admin Template

Olian is minimal and clean Bootstrap Admin Template. It is built with latest Bootstrap version keeping user friendliness in mind. It comes with online documentation to make it easy for developers. It also has dedicated light demos for CRM, eCommerce. It also come with Vertical, Horizontal, Semi Dark layout version is add on to it.
Features :
- Responsive
- Multi Purpose
- UI Kits
- Creative Widgets
- Useful Plugins
- Authentication Pages
- 10+ Icons Sets
- 100+ Pages
- 2+ Unique Dasboard Layout
- Vertical Layout
- Horizontal Layout
- Easy Customization
- Clean Design
- SASS Supported
- Well Commented & Quality Code
- W3C Validated
- All Browser Support
Credits & Sources:
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Popper
- Modernizr
- Detect
- jQuery Slimscroll
- Animate CSS
- Sweet Alert2
- jQuery Confirm
- Carousel
- Material Design Icons
- Font Awesome
- Simple Line Icons
- Themify Icons
- Typicons
- Ion Icons
- Dripicons
- Nestable
- jQuery Bar Rating
- ion rangeSlider
- Switchery
- JS Tree
- Widgets
- Full Calendar
- Bootstrap Inputmask
- Bootstrap MaxLength
- Bootstrap Tags Input
- Bootstrap Touch Spin
- Bootstrap X-editable
- Bootstrap Date Picker
- Bootstrap Color Picker
- Select2
- Dropzone
- Summernote
- Tinymce
- Codemirror
- Validate JS
- jQuery Step
- jQuery UI
- Chartist JS
- Chart JS
- C3 Chart
- Flot Char
- Morris Chart
- Knob Chart
- Piety Chart
- Sparkline Chart
- D3
- Moment JS
- Raphael
- Bootstrap Table
- Data Table
- Editable Table
- RWD Table
- Google Map
- Vector Map
- jQuery Countdown
- Vertical Timeline
- Undraw.co
File Included :
- HTML Files
- CSS Files
- SCSS Files
- JS Files
- Documentation in HTML