Your destiny is written in the stars

Get some expert advice on your love life, career, or faith and discover what your horoscope says with Lintense fortune teller readings.

Our services

At Lintense, we provide consultations and various services by experienced fortune tellers, psychics, and astrologers. Read on to find out more.

Personal consultation

Get a confidence boost and solid advice with a personal consultations from the best fortune tellers at Lintense.

Face reading

Let your face be read in a private face reading session! Learn what your face tells about your personality, talents, health, nutrition, etc.

Kundli Dosha

Discover the impact of Kundli Doshas on various aspects of your life and how to avoid afflictions and unpleasant experiences.

Daily horoscope

We provide daily horoscope readings and predictions to our clients and subscribers. Browse our website to find out more.

Talismans & Amulets

Our experts will help you choose amulets and talismans to protect you against evil & danger and bring you luck.

Manglik Dosha

Our Vedic astrologers will evaluate your Mangal Dosha and provide advice in addition to your birth horoscope.

Astrological consultation

Our certified professional astrologer with over 15 years of consulting experience is ready to help you comprehend the secrets of your fate encoded in position of celestial bodies at the time of your birth. Find out about major challenges and triumphs you are likely to have in future. Absolute confidentiality is guaranteed.

Schedule your session

Daily horoscope for your Zodiac sign

We publish daily horoscopes including astrological analysis for all Zodiac signs. It is available to all visitors of Lintense fortune teller website.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - Jun 20
Jun 21 - Jul 22
Jul 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sep 22
Sep 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20

Get personalized horoscope

Discover your Horoscope for today and tomorrow. Our Daily Personalized Horoscope includes all the parameters of your natal chart, and not only of your Sun sign.


Get your personal guide for achieving corporate success with our regularly updated and affordable business horoscope.


& job

Your job career guide to help you take firm decision for future. Stay updated with daily job horoscope and grab the future opportunities.



Our daily love horoscopes factor in current astrological transits and zodiac sign traits to provide you with the best & regular love advice.


What clients say about us

Take a second to read the latest testimonials submitted by our clients to find out more about the quality of our readings and horoscopes we provide to our clients.

Emma has this ability to make me feel like a super human, every time! Her readings are unique, focused and empowering. I always walk away feeling like I can take on the world. With her readings I have a clear and direct plan on how to tackle whatever is in my way. The information that she relays and the guidance that she provides is one of a kind. I’m so grateful for you, Emma. Thank you!
Ronald Richards
You provided me with a big picture overview of everything that has happened in my life in the past and everything that is currently happening based on my natal chart. And with that insight, you empowered me to take the next right step in my future. The experience was clarifying and transformative. I truly appreciate your help.
Kathryn Murphy