Yummy - best honey store

Try the most delicious, fresh and delightful honey made of fragrant flowers with care and love to our clients!

We operate in one of the world’s most perfect honey producing environments, and are proud to supply some of the worlds best honey, gathered right here in New Zealand.

Enjoy sweet, aromatic honey made by hardworking people of ecologically clean raw materials in the most pure environment!
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Super SweetNectarous Honey
Taste fresh, organic and aromatic honey made with love!All your favorite flavors of honey in one store!
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I’d like to thank you for such a fast shipment of my order! I was pleased with such a nice customer support which helped me to make the right choice and order very delicious and fragrant honey! I’ll certainly get back again.

It was my first time to buy honey online and I can say I will order it again and again! These tiny jars are so good-looking in my kitchen! Thank you, guys, for your attention to details and customers! I’ll certainly get back again.
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