Ravensta Monoline Signature Font
Ravensta Font is a monoline signature font script with elegant handwriting style, handcrafted from our Studio here in Indonesia. Ravensta Signature Font is an original handwritting script typeface with simple signature look. It has a stunning characters set, perfectly managed with well spaced and kerning. The theme style of this font is simple, sophisticated, stylish, clean and classic signature style.
Ravensta Font will be great for any projects (with extended license) including : branding, logo, stationery, business card, signage, flyer, brochure etc. Almost all industries will be match for this typeface: wedding, events, real estate, architect, law firm, florist, gardening, makeup artist, travel, hotel, musician etc
Here’s what you’ll get on the zip pack :
- OTF File
- TTF File
- Read me txt
Ravensta Signature Font had been tested Works well on PC & Mac. Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word. It’s also PUA Encoded Characters – Fully accessible without additional design software.