136 Sustainable Development Icons - Aesthetic Series Set

Download this premium 136 Sustainable Development Icons - Aesthetic Series Set published on tallosweb.
✅ Icon files have vector, raster graphics type;
✅ The product contains fully editable PNG, SVG, PSD file formats and is easy to use;
✅ It is compatible with Adobe Photoshop and can be edited with any of these tools;
✅ The icons are designed in colored styles;
✅ This product will be a great solution for food, business, city, industrial, finance, medical projects.
Beautifully-Crafted, Modern & Creative Sustainable Development Icons Vector Set. Fully editable & customizable icons that represent the Worldwide Sustainable Development goals.
136 high-quality trendy icons
Well organized files
100\% vector icons: easy to edit, change color or resize
What do you get?
PNG (sized 256x256 and 512x512)
This icon set includes: no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable community, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace and justice, partnerships, no racism, no slavery, land ownership, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate technology, financial service, microfinance, malnutrition, homeless, healthy meal, agricultural productivity, farmer, shepherd, fisherman, drought, hurricane, fire, flood, earthquake, eruption, tsunami, landslide, shipwreck, soil quality, genetic resources, seed bank, tissue bank, cryobank, field genebank, tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis, waterborne disease, well-being, mental health, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, car accident, family planning, affordable medicine, vaccination, biological hazard, radiation warning, skull of death, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, tobacco control, medical research, health insurance, hospital, early warning, global health risk, childhood development, education for all, vocational skills, human rights, global citizen, increased scholarships, qualified teacher, women power, child abduction, human cage, forced prostitution, forced labor, forced marriage, organ theft, selling baby, trafficking boat, open defecation, recycling, reuse, water scarcity, water ecosystem, water harvesting, desalination, wastewater treatment, energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy research, hydro power, fossil fuel, job creation, startup business loan, wages and salaries, innovation, leadership, labour right, sustainable tourism, affordable credit, cut transaction cost, public transport, cultural heritage, open space design, social access, infrastructure efficiency, urban planning, food wastage, global warming, greenhouse effect, overfishing, deforestation, poaching, GMO, exhaustion of land resources, invasive alien, bribery, terrorism, birth certificate, legal identity, transborder agreement, policy, global transactions, international agreement, union, global communication, global business, international corporation.