Neospor Joomla 5 Joomla 4 and Joomla 3 Sport Template

-----!!!Premium Joomla Templates Based on T3-Framework and Bootstrap 3. Neospor is suitable for any kind of sports website like football, soccer, sport clubs, american football, basketball, baseball, rugby, volleyball, ice hockey, handball, cricket etc sport clubs gym-center or extreme sports. The stunning Neospor Template includes 11 awesome Homepages, more inner pages like Blog, Portfolio, Video, Testimonial, Photo Gallery and Contact Pages which are easy to edit and customize to fit your needs. Neospor Template created with modern, powerfull and flexible T3-Framework-Bootstrap 3, LESS, HTML5, CSS3 and Font Awesome 4.
T3-Framework – a powerful, responsive and flexible Joomla framework which Neospor Theme is built on is a totally responsive design as well as dozens of configuration options included: colors scheme, menus, typography, google font… can be tweaked quickly to suit any need.
- Fuly Responsive Design
- Bootstrap 3 - T3 Framework
- 5 MegaMenu Styles
- 15 Preset Color Styles
- 11 Homepage layouts
- Light and Dark Versions (4 Dark Styles)
- 26 Google Fonts
- Select Different Google Font For Body (26 Google Fonts)
- Select Different Google Font For Headings and Titles (26 Google Fonts)
- Select Different Google Font For Horizontal Navigaton Menu (26 Google Fonts)
- K2 Component
- Sticky Menu
- Off-Canvas Sidebar
- 1170px Grid System
- Full Demo Included Quickstart Package
- Unite Revolution Slider
- DJ-League Extension
- JE Orbit Slider
- Clean and Modern Style
- Different Portfolio Pages
- About Us Page - Team
- Contact Page with Google Map
- Video Extension and Video Page
- Pop Up Extension
- Appointment Module as Side Panel
- Blog Pages
- Subscribe to Mailing List
- BreezingForms Extension
- Flickr Photostreaming
- Up to 3 Columns layout
- Image or Text logo (Adjustable Logo Size on Admin Panel )
- Full Width and Boxed Layout
- Top Reading Position Indicator with mouse wheeling
- Nice Preloader
- Back to Top Button
- Text Transform Option for Titles
- Text Transform Option for Nav Menu
- Align Logo option (Horizontally and Vertically)
- Multilingual Support Enabled and Set
- Change Body Background Pattern for boxed layout (20+ Patterns)
- Change Header Background Pattern for boxed layout (20+ Patterns)
(Note: No PSD File Included. It can be sent if desired)