
FlexArt - Five in One Landing Page Template

FlexArt is five-in-one landing page template designed by refinethemes. It contains 5 unique & stunningly designed landing pages, easy to use & SEO friendly. With this five-in-one landing page design, you get a variety of fully responsive niche pages based on HTML5 & Bootstrapv4.

Plugin Credits

  1. animate
  2. bootstrap
  3. jquery
  4. jquery-waypoints
  5. lightcase
  6. owl-carousel
  7. pacejs
  8. phpmailer
  9. popper
  10. youtube-video-popup
  11. ionrangeSlider
  12. metisMenu

Icons Credits

  1. feather
  2. flag-icons
  3. font-awesome
  4. icofont
  5. ion-icon
  6. material-design
  7. simple-line-icons
  8. SVG-animated
  9. themify-icons
  10. typicons-icons
  11. weather-icons

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