Isolate - Personal Portfolio Landing Page Template

Isolate is a responsive bootstrap 4 one page portfolio layout which can be utilized to demonstrate your inventiveness. It's perfect for personal portfolio, resume, designers, developers, freelancers, artists, photographers, engineers, business man, painters, teachers, doctors and anyone who wants to present their work.
Advantage of this Template that it includes many directions. This Template is available in Light-Dark, Wide-Boxed and RTL Support versions.
Easy to use, lightweight and fast loading, HTML template for building simple and beautiful business or personal website.
The code is well commented and developer friendly which would be so easy for any engineer to customize. It is built with the most popular newest bootstrap 4 framework.
- Based on Bootstrap 4.5.3
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Clean and unique Design
- 12+ Different Home Pages
- 10 Different Color Schemes
- Light & Dark Mode layout option
- RTL & LTR layout option
- Boxed & Full-Width layout option
- Working Contact Form PHP
- Owl Carousel Slider)
- Fonts Awesome Icons
- Fancybox Portfolio Variants: Image, Gallery, Media, Iframe (YouTube, Vimeo), Audio (SoundCloud), Link
- Parallax feature Integration
- Page Scroll Animation
- Typing Animation
- Particle background
- Slider background
- YouTube Video background
- Google Web Fonts
- W3C HTML Valid Code
- Multi browser support
- Easy to Customize
- SEO optimized
- 24/7 Support
- Detailed Well Documentation
- and more features coming soon!
What do you get?
- HTML files
- CSS files
- JS files
- PHP file
- Documentation
Credits and Sources
- jQuery JavaScript Library
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- Owl Carousel
- FancyBox Gallery
- All other credits are included in documentation with more details.
Please Note: The images used in the preview Images are only for demo purpose, not included in download files, in the download package there are dummy images with sizes.