Black Bull - Personal, Portfolio, CV and Resume Website HTML Template

About Template:-
Black Bull - Personal, Portfolio, CV & Resume Website Template
Black Bull is a Responsive, Professional, W3validate and pixel-perfect template for Personal, CV, Resume, Agency, and any purpose. Black Bull has ‘in page’ portfolio style so you can get everything on the current page, no need to go anywhere. It’s easy to customize and also well documented so it’ll suit your needs.
Key features:-
- Built on top of Bootstrap 4
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Font Awesome Icons
- Google Fonts
- Animated elements on scroll
- Parallax background
- Mobile Navigations
- Fully Responsive to All device
- Developer Friendly Coding
- CSS3 Animations
- SEO optimized
- Sticky Navigation
- Clean Code
- W3C Validated
- HTML5 & CSS3
Fonts, Images and Icons used:-
- Montserrat -
- Font awesome Icons -
- Unsplash For Images -
Notes:- All images are used for preview only and not included in the final purchase pack.