Antro - Personal Portfolio HTML Landing Page Template

Antro is a Simple, Modern, Creative and Responsive Bootstrap Based OnePage Template. It will help you to presents your self even your Business/resume more smartly and easily. This is built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap 4. It is 100% responsive with clean modern design.
All components used in this theme are well commented, W3C validated and are well documented.
- Bootstrap Framework
- Well documented codes
- Fully Responsive
- Free Google Fonts
- Owl Carousel 2
- Font Awesome Icons
- Magnific Popup
- Working Contact form
- Home Particles Effect
- W3C validated code
- Cross Browser Supports
Files included:
- HTML Files
- CSS Files
- JS Files
- Fonts Files
- PHP File for Contact Form
Google Fonts:
- Allura
- Yatra One
Image Credits:
Note: Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download bundle.