Buildy Modern Construction Landing Page HTML5 Template

Buildy Modern Construction Landing Page HTML5 Template
Buildy Modern Construction Landing Page Template is 100% fully validated HTML5 Template with 11 sections and 4 functionalities to enhance your fist impression on clients.
Buildy Modern Construction Landing Page Template is easy to use and can be setup in your server is less than 5 minutes, all 27 images used in this product are free and included in the product. Buildy Color combination: Dark Orange and white with a hint of black Charcoal
We have included a detailed documentation in the product and our support team is always available to help you with any challenges you might face.
Buildy Modern Construction Landing Page HTML5 Template Sections included
- header Section
- Hero Slider Section
- About us Section
- call to action Section
- Blog Section
- Services Section
- Counter Functionality
- testimonial Section
- Rricing Table Section
- Team Section
- footer
Buildy Modern Construction Landing Page HTML5 Template Functionalities:
- Pre-loader Functionality
- popup Functionality
- Back to-top Functionality
- Functioning Contact-form