Cleanso - Cleaning Services & multipurpose HTML5 Responsive Bootstrap5 Landing page Template

Cleanso - Cleaning & Multipurpose Services HTML5 Responsive Bootstrap5 Landing Page Template
Cleanso Landing Page Template is a creative and modern sanitization & cleaning services HTML5 Landing page template. Cleanso has more than 5 landing page demos included in this template with lots of reuseable blocks to suit what your clients want and need.
Cleanso also came with dark and light mode functionality to choose what you feel is good for your project. All files and code has been well organized and carefully all code commented to be easily customizable.
Cleanso is designed to give you the freedom to use it as a multipurpose theme in any new category not only sanitization & cleaning services.
we hope this piece of work gives you more progress in your business.
Cleanso Landing Page Template Features
- Modern and Clean Design
- RTL Languages Support
- Dark/Light mode included
- Bootstrap5
- Video Background Banners
- Generation Lead Forms
- Pleasing Animations
- Fully Responsive
- PHP Contact Form
- Easy Customiztion
- SEO optimized
- Sass files Included
- Bootstrap Icons
- SVG based icons
- Clean & Commented Code
- Google Fonts & Maps
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
- Well Documented
- Regular Free Updates
- All modern browsers compatibility
- Valid HTML5 Code [WC3 Standerds]
Files Included
- Html Files
- CSS & SCSS Files
- jQuery & js Files
- Icon fonts libraries
- Js Plugins Used across the Template
- plugins Used
We Want To Thank All Plugins Creators For Their Awesome Work.
- jquery
- Bootstrap
- animate.css
- Swiper
- FancyBox
- countTo
- particles
- isotope
- Google fonts
- Images Resources And Credits
Images Resources And Credits
All images and videos In this landing page template are used for demo purposes only - If you want to use them Please give their authors the credits they deserve.
Thank you all.