Techx - IT Solutions and Services PSD Template

Techx is a modern and creative PSD which is suitable for IT solution and service company. Not only IT solution and service company but also marketing, consulting, start-up and other business agency.
Everything is beautifully explained in the documentation that's why it's very easy to use.
Key Features Overview:
- Multiple home page with 10+ inner page
- Unique and Clean design
- Pixel Perfect
- font awesome 5
- Google font used (Roboto)
- Easily customizable PSD files
- 100% Responsive & Mobile-friendly
- Unique and Modern Style
- Great Support
- Well documented
- And many More
Files Included:
- home-1.psd
- home-2.psd
- about-us.psd
- services.psd
- services-details.psd
- team.psd
- team-details.psd
- portfolio.psd
- portfolio-details.psd
- appointment.psd
- price-plan.psd
- latest-news.psd
- blog-details.psd
- contact.psd
- 404.psd
Note: Images are only used for preview and not added to the final purchase package. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.