Campus - Education Course And e-Learning PSD Template

Campus - Education Course And e-Learning PSD Template
The Campus is a modern and unique PSD template that has beautifully designed for your educational websites like university, college, school, kindergarten, online courses, blog, academy, courses, education, education center, tuition, tutoring, events, institute, e-learning and much more.
Here you will get 24 layered PSD with an easily customizable layer with pixel-perfect design With 2 different Home Variations.
- 2 Homepage
- Course Page
- Event Page
- Teacher Profile Page
- Based on 1170px Grid System
- Full width 1920px
- Retina Ready
- Free Google Font
- Parallax background
- Overlay color layers.
- 4+ Column Layout
- Font Awesome Icons
- Real-Time Statistics
Included Pages:
- 01_index.psd
- 02_index.psd
- 03_AboutUs.psd
- 04_Caourses_Grid.psd
- 05_Caourses_List.psd
- 06_Single_Course.psd
- 07_Events.psd
- 08_Event_Grid.psd
- 09_Event_Details.psd
- 10_Membership.psd
- 11_Our_Teachers.psd
- 12_Teacher_Profile.psd
- 13_Portfolio-3Colum.psd
- 14_Portfolio-4Colum.psd
- 15_Blog_List.psd
- 16_Blog_Grid.psd
- 17_Blog_Details.psd
- 18_ContactUs.psd
- 19_FAQ's.psd
- 20_Error.psd
- 21_Login.psd
- 22_Register.psd
- 23_Shop.psd
- 24_SingleProducts.psd
Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and are NOT included in the final purchase files.