CIRO - Creative Agency And Portfolio PSD Template

CIRO - Creative Agency And Portfolio PSD Template
CIRO is a professional minimal, clean modern crafted PSD template that can be used for the Creative Agency, Agency, Creative Photographer, Artwork, Art, Minimal Websites.
Here you will get 16 layered PSD with an easily customizable layer with pixel-perfect design With 2 different Home Variations.
- 2 Homepage
- 16 layered PSD file
- SVG Icons
- Based on 1170px Grid System
- Full width 1920px
- Retina Ready
- Free Google Font
- Parallax background
- Overlay color layers.
- 4+ Column Layout
Included Pages:
- 01_Index.psd
- 02_Index.psd
- 03_AboutUs.psd
- 04_OurServices.psd
- 05_OurServicesV2.psd
- 06_PortfolioV1.psd
- 07_PortfolioV2.psd
- 08_PortfolioV3.psd
- 09_SinglePortfolio.psd
- 10_OurTeam.psd
- 11_Blog.psd
- 12_BlogList.psd
- 13_SingleBlog.psd
- 14_Shop.psd
- 15_SingleProducts.psd
- 16_ContactUs.psd
Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and are NOT included in the final purchase files.