Foodhub – Food Delivery PSD Template

Foodhub – Food Delivery PSD Template
Foodhub - Food Delivery PSD template is a stylish and modern template for food delivery. This theme is designed for online food ordering and food delivery websites, as well as restaurant websites. There are many features like - Home, My orders, My Profile, Vouchers, Refund Account, Restaurants, Restaurants Info, Checkout or City Restaurants website. The PSD files are Well Layered & Grouped, customizable, and easy to use. PSD is completely editable, you can easily change the colors, images, and text to make it ready for you. Total 26 PSD files have been included.
Foodhub comes with modern UI and unique design made By Photoshop CC
This Template is based on an 1170 Bootstrap-based design so this template will be 100% fluid responsive on any device.
In addition, you are getting 26 creative PSD layered files. Everything is in the Documentation file so that you can change anything easily.
Template Features
- 26 PSD files are created in Adobe CC
- Awesome Portfolio layout
- Clear Blog Layout.
- Modern UI & Unique Design
- Well Organized Layers
- Pixel Perfect
- Bootstrap Grid 1170px
- Free Google Fonts
- Well Documentation
- Easy to find folder, layers, groups
- 24/7 Great Support !!
PSD Total Files
- Home
- Login page
- Registration page
- Verify page
- Verify Code page
- Login page
- My orders
- My Profile
- Vouchers
- Refund Account
- Help center
- Join as a Partner Restaurant
- Restaurants
- Offer
- Restaurants Info
- Checkout
- Order - tracking
- Rider food pickup
- Delivery
- Corporate Customer
- Contact
- Privacy policy
- Challenges & Rewards
- Challenge-detail
- City Restaurants
If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact us via our profile. If you have a moment, please rate this item, We'll appreciate it very much!. Thank you.