Digilaw - Attorney and Lawyer HTML5 Template

Digilaw is a Modern, Clean & Professional Attorney Best HTML5 Templates build with latest bootstrap framework(v-5.0.1). It has a great features like awesome slider, Counter latest jquery version etc. Digilaw is perfectly suitable for attorney and Lawyer website. Fit at all device screen for it's responsive design.
Main Features
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Bootstrap Framework
- Clean Code
- Easy To Customize
- w3c validator
- SEO Friendly
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Free google font and icon used
- Awesome Customized Slider
- All files are well commented
- Clean, flat & crisp design
- and much more...
Files included
- HTML Files
- Supporting CSS Files
- JS files
- php files
All images are used for preview only and not included in the final purchase pack.