Alison - Industry & Construction & Factory Multipurpose HTML Template

Alison is a multipurpose Best HTML5 Templates designed specifically for industrial sites, construction companies, oil and mining industry, energy, renewable and solar energy, engineering companies, chemical industry, manufacturing or processing factories, plants and similar websites.
This is a clean and modern HTML template developed with Bootstrap v5.0+
Alison has a fully responsive layout. It is suitable for various displays from desktops and laptops to tablets, iPad, iPhone, Android and other various mobile devices. Supported resolutions are 280-2560+ px.
In addition, the template has a working contact and news subscription form, commented and easily customizable source code with detailed documentation that will help you use and customize it according to your final needs.
Template Features:
- Clean & Modern Design
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Bootstrap v5.0+
- Smooth Animation
- SEO Friendly
- W3C Valid
- Fully Responsive (280-2560+ px)
- PHP/Ajax Powered Working Contact Form & News Subscription
- Cross Browser Compatible with Chrome 54.0+, Firefox 52.0+, Safari 10.3+, Opera 44.0+, Microsoft Edge 16.0+ and others
- Extensive Documentation