Amos - Premium Personal Portfolio Website Template

Amos – is a minimal sidebar portfolio and can be used by all industry representatives. It is suitable for Instructor, content writers, software engineer, politican, doctors, freelancers, teachers, photographers, students, hairdressers, bloggers and many other industry representatives. The template has modern design and animations. And the flexibility for mobile devices is excellent. It has powerful documentation. And in the documentation everything is explained clearly with images. So it is very easy to edit the template.
- Hover Animations
- CSS3 Animations
- Sidebar Menu
- Sticky Navigation
- Fully Responsive Best HTML5 Templates
In order to edit the file, you need to have Code Writer program installed on your system. Just open files in code writer and edit them.
- Images – and
- Images are not included.
- Fonts: “Rubik”, “Open Sans” and “Montserrat” free google fonts
- Free Font Based Icons by