
Red Apple Website Template

Website Templates

The theme was created for organic baby food companies. Playful layout with food pattern in the background and childish elements looks relevant to the topic. Font solution upholds the general idea of the author. The theme has two sliders . The upper one features a wide range of products the company offers for children. The lower one shows customers' testimonials. The theme is designed in nice cheerful colors which create the atmosphere of joy on site. Cute kids' photos and stickers of the uncommon shape capture visitors' attention.

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This Baby Clothes website design template is Responsive

What is it?

This is the ability of the page layout to change depending on the width of the screen.

Why is it Good?

Cellular devices drive 80percent of worldwide web usage. It's essential to build your site responsive unless you desire to lose your potential audience.

Click for more Responsive web templates here

This is a Parallax Home & Family Blog website design

What is it?

Parallax is a front-end visual technique that involves images shifting more slowly than the background content to make a "multidimensional" impression.

Why is it Good?

A web page with parallax scrolling effect instantly grabs the attention of a viewer and increases brand reputation because of the appealing looks.

Newest Parallax web templates here


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