
Maria - Woocommerce Grant Download Permission Plugin

WordPress Plugins

Introducing Maria Plugin | Plugin to grant permission to downloadable products

WooCommerce is one of the top store builder plugins for WordPress, and many people use this plugin to sell their digital and downloadable products. Suppose you have also used this plugin to sell your downloadable products. In that case, you must have noticed the problems of this plugin in accessing new files of the downloaded product to customers.

For example, you first made a downloadable product with 10 files available for download. This product will be sold, and your customers can easily use the downloadable files, but the problem appears when you add a new file to this product. Customers who had bought the product before the new files were added will not be able to access the new files.

Don't Worry. We have you covered!

You have probably tried various codes or installed plugins for this purpose, but none of them was useful after the WooCommerce latest update. This plugin has been tested with the latest version of WooCommerce, and in following WooCommerce updates, the plugin will be updated if the download method changes. Tested with WooCommerce version 5.9.

The Woocommerce Grant Download Permission Plugin has the solution

You do not need to be at the beginning of starting your store. After installing the plugin in the settings section, you can easily grant all permissions to all customers of each product with just one click so that your customers can easily access new files.

Just click the "Grant Access" button. Everything will done automatically.

  • After installation, you no longer need to issue the download permission manually each time. The plugin will automatically grant access to new files for customers. Just that easy!

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